
Marron Season; Open: 12 noon,  8th January 2014 – 12 noon, 5th February 2014. Fishing for marron is prohibited at all other times.


Harvey Dam – Trophy Waters (Trophy Waters are managed to provide fishers with an opportunity to catch larger ‘trophy’ sized marron.
A minimum legal size limit of 90mm carapace length and a daily bag and possession limit of 5 marron applies within 500m of the water line of the Harvey Dam and Waroona Dam).

Snare water only. One bushmans pole snare per licensed fisher, snares must be self-tightening only. There are many ways of doing this but one popular way is to use a piece of white plastic coated electrical wire, tie it to the end of your poll, then at the other end make a loop with a slip knot. The idea is that you walk up to the marron very carefully and slip the loop under the animal’s tail. As you lift up the marron it will naturally flick backwards tightening the loop around its tail and bingo you got him.

Access available at the rear of the dam. Along northern side, the access is via Honeymoon Road, and to the south it is via the Harvey Quindanning Road (Weir Rd).
Domestic animals (including horses), swimming and fishing are not permitted in any circumstances. This is in order to safeguard the quality of drinking water being supplied to the people of Harvey, Mandurah, Rockingham and Perth.

Logue Brook Dam (Lake Brockman)
Snare water only.

Stirling Dam
Fishing and marroning are no longer permitted at Stirling Dam and the Harvey River upstream of Stirling Dam. Water catchment area.

Hoffman Mill
Fishing and marroning are no longer permitted at Hoffman Mill site. Water catchment area.

Size Limit
A minimum size limit of 80mm carapace length applies throughout the marron fishery except in ‘Trophy Waters – Harvey Dam’ where a minimum size limit of 90mm applies.

Daily Bag Limit
A daily bag limit of 8 marron per licensed fisher applies except in ‘Trophy Waters’ where a bag limit of 5 applies. The daily bag limit applies from midday to midday the next day during the open season.

Possession Limit
You may only accumulate your daily bag limit up to a possession limit of 16 marron during the marron season. The possession limit applies everywhere except in your permanent place of residence. A separate possession limit applies near “Trophy Waters”.

How To Measure A Marron
Always use an approved gauge and measure from the tip of the horn protruding from the marron’s forehead, to the back edge of the marron’s carapace. If the gauge fits over the back of the carapace, or is even slightly loose, the marron is too small and must be returned to the water.

Breeding Stock Protection
Females with eggs (berried) or live young attached beneath their bodies and undersize marron must be returned to the water immediately.