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Harvey WA – Named The Nations Top Tree Change Town Destination For Western Australia and Listed in the Best Top 3 for Australia
Population of the Harvey District is 25,000. Harvey is 5,500.
Located approximately 140km south of Perth. Geographically, it is located at 32. 55′ south and 116. 13′ east. Approximately 1,766 square kilometres, 45km dimension with 43km prestine coastline.
The thriving south west town of Harvey, which is situated on the Harvey River, enjoys a unique Italian heritage. This cosmopolitan influence has resulted in a vibrant community with a relaxed and friendly lifestyle. In 1829, Captain James Stirling (later to become the first Governor of Western Australia) selected a quota of fertile land and called it the Harvey River Settlement, later named Harvey. Harvey is nestled on fertile, irrigated plains beneath the rolling foothills of the Darling Range and is approximately 20km from the coast.
Nearby natural features include tranquil Jarrah forest surrounding 3 picturesque dams, The Harvey Dam & Amphitheatre, Logue Brook Dam – Lake Brockman and Stirling Dam. The Bibbulmun Track and the evergreen pastures Harvey is famous for! Today the Harvey Shire is an outstanding region. It possesses a wide diversity of industries, many recognised worldwide. Harvey is also home to the biggest living Jarrah tree in the region.
We have some of the best beef production, citrus growing, dairy farming and viticulture in Australia. Most employment in the area is generated by agriculture, bauxite mining (Alcoa Wagerup & Willowdale Mine Tours), tourism and the industrial parkland, Kemerton, with its production-based industries and timber milling in Yarloop now compliment the shire. We invite you to explore Harvey and indulge in some of the local produce, to delight all tastes!
We are just one and a half hours drive south from Perth on the South Western Highway and serviced daily by the Australind train from Perth to Bunbury. Explore our beautiful green countryside of rich earth and pure water. A friendly welcome awaits you!
Oranges & Mandarines
The orange fruit is actually a type of berry (ahesperidium). As well as providing twice the daily allowance of Vitamin C, an orange is rich in photochemicals, folate, fibre, and vitamin A. After chocolate and vanilla orange is the world’s favourite flavor. Most popular Australian varieties are Harvey Citrus Pty Ltd, Navels are in season from June-October, are seedless, easy to peel. juicy and taste great. Valencia are in season from October-March and are a great juicing orange. Store them at room temperature or in the refrigerator crisper.
The white pith of an orange is as high in cancer-fighting and anti-ageing bioflavonoids as green tea, red wine and garlic. Bioflavonoids are at their most potent when consumed with vitamin C, making your humble orange the perfect healthy snack.
In season from May to August. Select glossy mandarins that feel heavy for their size. Store in the refrigerator crisper for up to a week. Two small mandarins provide 35 per cent recommended daily allowance of vitamin C. They are low in kilojoules and are a good source of dietary fiber. Easy for little fingers to peel, mandarins make a great snack for children.
Major Industries of the Harvey Shire
Alcoa World Alumina Australia
Alcoa employs 6,500 people in Australia. They also provide $4 million in community sponsorship across Australia each year and are a recognised world leader in environmental management. The company produces 48% of Australia’s total alumina production and 15% of world demand (7.8 million tonnes per year). They also produce 30% of Australia’s total aluminium production (544,000 tonnes per year). Alcoa has trained over 1100 West Australian trades people through it’s apprentice program. This represents a $200 million investment in apprentice training for W.A. Since 1997, Alcoa has trained over 110 local apprentices at Wagerup refinery and 20 at the Willowdale mine.
The Wagerup Alumina Refinery has been a part of the Western Australian community since it began it’s operations in 1984. Today, the refinery has the capacity to produce 2.6 million tonnes of alumina from bauxite mined at Willowdale. This ore is transported by conveyor and refined to produce smelter grade alumina which in turn is transported by rail to the port for export to aluminum smelters around the world.
The Wagerup refinery is the most environmentally advanced alumina refinery in the world, with the application of advanced technology contributing to recent improvements in environmental management. Already for every dollar earned by Alcoa, 80 cents stays in Australia, contributing around $1 billion each year to W.A’s economy. The Wagerup refinery spends more than $44 million in local communities each year. Wagerup is the future for Alcoa’s three-refinery system in Western Australia which is among the most technologically advanced in the world, with annual production of 7.8 million tonnes of alumina.
For further information: Telephone: (08) 9733 8768 – Website: www.alcoa.com.au
Harvey Beef
Harvey Beef is Western Australia’s largest producer of high quality beef for the local, national and international markets. Currently, nearly 70% of Harvey Beef products are exported overseas to about 30 countries, with major destinations including Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Taiwan, the Middle East and the United States. The factory is situated in the town of Harvey, Western Australia. Harvey Beef employs about 600 people.
A large state-of-the-art processing facility was built on a 190ha site and this was operated as a family business until 2005. In early 2006, the production facilities and Harvey Beef came under control of Harvey Industries Group Pty Ltd which is owned by an international private equity firm, Harmony Capital Management.
Harvey Beef has built a reputation for providing quality products that consumers all over the world love to eat!
For further information: Telephone: (08) 9729 0000 – Fax: (08) 9729 1810 Website: www.harveybeef.com.au
Harvey Fresh
Harvey Fresh is situated in Harvey, Western Australia. They are manufacturers of freshly squeezed fruit juices, dairy products and wine. Items produced by the juice factory include fresh juice, long life fruit juice, apple, pear and carrot juice concentrates. The dairy factory produces fresh milk, flavoured milk, lactose free milk, high calcium milk, long life UHT milk, skim milk, yoghurt and cheeses. The Winery, known as Harvey River Bridge Estate Winery, produces premium wine from grapes within the Geographe Region of Western Australia, which is a cool climate area.
The company is a family owned business which has been in Harvey for many years.
For further information: Telephone: (08) 9729 0600 – Fax: (08) 9729 2298 – Website: www.harveyfresh.com.au
Cristal Global
This company has two plants, situated in Australind and Kemerton Industrial Park (both within the Harvey Region). Locally, Millennium Inorganic Chemicals / Cristal Globall employs about 400 people in a wide range of careers including process operators, technicians, engineers, sales, finance, purchasing, human resources and more. They also purchase more than $110 million of goods and services annually.
They are the second largest producers of titanium dioxide in the world. Titanium dioxide is a bright white pigment that is used in the manufacturing of paints, rubber, plastics and paper. It provides whiteness, brightness and opacity to these products. It is also used in printing inks, paper, ceramics, glass, leather, synthetic fibers and colours formulated for art paints.
The Kemerton Plant produces titanium dioxide through the chloride process, which uses chlorine to react with titanium-bearing ores found in the south west of Western Australia. The titanium base pigment from Kemerton is then transported by truck as a water-based slurry to the Australind finishing plant. Here, it is surface treated, dried and milled to a uniform fine white powder. The finished product is packaged in 25kg, 500kg and 1000kg packs and is distributed from warehouse facilities. Most of the product is then shipped to customers by rail or through the port at Fremantle.
For further information: Telephone: (08) 9780 8333 – Websites: www.millenniumchem.com or www.cristalglobal.com
Simcoa Operations
Simcoa Operations Pty Ltd is a fully, integrated silicon smelting operation located in the Kemerton Industrial Park, south west of Harvey, Western Australia and is AUSTRALIA’S ONLY SILICON PRODUCER. Simcoa’s furnace operation was commissioned in December 1989. The furnaces are still the latest built silicon-making furnaces in the world and are quite large by world standards.
In excess of 32 000 tonnes of high purity silicon is capable of being produced each year in the Simcoa furnaces, of which more than 90% is exported to Japan, United Arab Emirates, USA and other countries, with the balance being sold to primary aluminum companies within Australia.
Silicon itself is used as an additive to molten aluminum to increase strength (alloy car wheels, alloy cylinder heads and manifolds). It is also used as a raw material for production of silicones (silicon rubber, sealants, greases and oils), semi-conductor chips and optical fiber. They are also used as refractory materials.
The Silicon by-products are also used a lot. The ‘Silica fume’ is used as a concrete additive (majority of sales) where it is used as an additive to produce high performance concrete (high strength, high durability and shot crete) and refractory products. ‘Quartz’ is used in architectural feature concrete. ‘Charcoal fines’ are used to make barbeque briquettes and ‘silicon’ dross is used as a raw material for silicon-manganese production.
For further information: Telephone: (08) 9780 6744 – Fax: (08) 9780 6746 – Website: www.simcoa.com.au
Harvey Water
Harvey Water is a private irrigators’ cooperative (formerly known as South West Irrigation) which delivers water to irrigators via a gravity pipe and channel system which it operates, maintains and improves. It is located about 100km south of Perth in Western Australia.
The irrigation season runs from October to April. The Harvey Water Irrigation Area is relatively unique among Australian schemes because it is entirely gravity fed. This is possible because the water is sourced from a large number of dams relative to the area served, the land area served is narrow compared to it’s length and there are relatively steep grades across the width. Due to the scheme not being able to supply all properties at once, a daily allocation system is used to meet individual farmers needs while maximizing the efficiency of the distribution system and minimizing water wastage.
Total Irrigation Area | 112 000ha |
Total Area of Farms | 34 369 ha |
Total Irrigated Area | 9800ha |
Number of Irrigators | 683 |
Average Annual Sales (1999-2009) | 69 360ml |
Number of Staff (FTE) | 26 |
Lined Channels | 83km |
Unlined Channels | 171km |
Pipelines | 430 km |
Number of Supply Points | 1536 |
Total number of Assets | 8020 |
For further information: Telephone: (08) 9729 0100 – Fax: (08) 9729 0111 – Website: www.harveywater.com.au
Harvey Shire Average Temperatures
January | 15.6 | 30.9 |
February | 16.1 | 30.8 |
March | 14.8 | 28.3 |
April | 12.7 | 24.3 |
May | 10.6 | 20.2 |
June | 9.0 | 17.5 |
July | 8.0 | 16.7 |
August | 7.9 | 17.1 |
September | 8.5 | 18.7 |
October | 9.4 | 21.1 |
November | 11.4 | 24.0 |
December | 13.7 | 28.0 |
Things to See and Do
Big Orange
One of WA’s large icons. The ‘Big Orange’ gets a fresh new look and re-opened on the 19th July 2008.
Harvey’s landmark the ‘Big Orange’ has been fully restored to its former glory and placed on a steel structure 17m high overlooking the orchards of Harvey Fresh on Third Street. The steel structure has viewing deck which also features some Harvey History. A staircase offers easy access into the Big Orange. The ‘Big Orange’ can be entered via the cellar door at the Harvey River Bridge Estate winery. Gold coin donations given to enter the orange will be given to Telethon. Harvey Fresh has been a long-time and strong supporter of this worthy cause. The investment in the landmark has been well over $250,000 and Harvey Fresh believes it will add tourism value as a gateway to the South-West.
Back in the mid 1980’s, a small tourist park was built on the outskirts of Harvey and the ‘Big Orange’ was perched on the roof of the building next to the South West Highway. Unfortunately the tourist park eventually closed down and the ‘Big Orange’ fell into disrepair.
In 2004, Harvey Fresh purchased the Big Orange because the company believed – because of its poor condition – it did not provide a good impression for visitors entering the beautiful town of Harvey. The Big Orange was removed and under police escort was transferred to the Harvey Fresh site along the Harvey River in Third Street, Harvey.
Harvey Fresh is a truly 100 per cent WA owned and operated business.
Mosaics and Murals
Mosaics: The Harvey Region has a unique collection of mosaics designed and made by a local artist Anthea Ward. You will find a trail of these large mosaics at the entrances to Harvey, Binningup and Myalup.
Other mosaics can be seen at the Harvey Visitor Centre, Australind Shopping Centre and Leschenault Leisure & Aquatic Centre. Click to download the Mosaic & Mural Trail.
Murals: The main street of Harvey features 4 wall murals depicting the Harvey District lifestyle. Street benches and other mosaics can be seen at the Harvey Visitor Centre and the Australind Shopping Centre. Completed in 2002 after 2 years. The first panel depicts Harvey’s early settlement and timber industry featuring the cedar colours of greens, browns and yellows. The second focuses on the dairy and beef industries, the third features Harvey’s citrus, water, irrigation, horticultural and viticulture industry. Each panel is 6m long and 2m high and painted in acrylic with some mosaic sections. While you are in the main shopping area, there is a seat not far from the murals which has also been painted by Anthea. Click here to download the Mosaic & Mural Trail.
Big Tree
Visitation not advised by DEC. Harvey is home to ‘THE BIG TREE’. This King Jarrah Eucalyptus marginata is believed to be the biggest living Jarrah tree in the Harvey region. It is 36m high and 10m in girth at breast height and is 21m bole length (height to first limb).
Harvey Historical Museum
Harper Street, Harvey
The Harvey Railway Station Museum is open first and third Sunday of the month from 2pm – 4pm. To view the Harvey History display entry fee is $1 adults, 50c children. A collection of fascinating memorabilia housed in the old Railway Station opposite the Harvey Hotel Motel.
Harvey River Diversion
Diversion built in the early 1930s. Flooding took place every winter in the Harvey area and to overcome this problem it was decided to dig a channel from the Harvey River to Myalup. This work was labour-intensive and took several years to complete. A park has been set up at the Baker Street section of the Diversion, with picnic tables, wood BBQs and a commemorative plaque to honour the men who dug the Diversion. This Diversion is currently being enhanced.
Apex Park
The Apex Park is a popular children’s playground featuring a large gazebo, favourite play equipment with a basketball ring and drinking fountain.
Snells Park
Situated in the Harvey townsite, this pretty shady park has a gazebo and lovely well tended gardens. Snells Park is home to the annual Harvey Harvest Festival & WA Grape Stomp Championships. A perfect spot for a picnic or to relax and watch the world go by. Facilities include toilets and park benches.
Wildflower Picnic Site
Turn into Honeymoon Road (unsealed) 2km north of the Harvey Visitor Centre off the South Western Highway. Travel for a further 2km to the secluded picnic site with magnificent stands of grass trees/blackboys and rocky outcrops. Wood BBQs and picnic tables are available. While you are at the Wildflower Picnic Site follow the WHITE markers for a 1.4km bush walk and see some breath- taking views of the Harvey Dam and pine plantation with sweeping views across the coastal plain. In spring delight in the magnificent wildflowers.
Gibbs Pool
Named after the pioneering Gibbs family, this pretty pool served as the local swimming pool prior to the construction of the Harvey Swimming Pool.
Stirling Dam (New construction completed 12 February 2021 – Now open to tourism.
Approximately 17km east of Harvey. Turn onto Weir Road from the South Western Highway (the last 7 km of the road is unsealed). Named after Governor Stirling, the dam is set in natural bush land, perfect for getting back to nature! Construction of the Dam started in the 1940s to supplement the Harvey Weir by channeling water through a gravitational system. This is now sent to the metro area. Dam capacity of 57,000 megalitres.
There are wood BBQs, picnic tables and a toilet. At the south side of the Dam over the wall, a walk trail follows the dam overflow course, approximately 500m circuit or 15 minutes. Some roads are rough and require a 4WD vehicle. Maps available from DEC or the Harvey Visitor Centre. Other features are abundant wildflowers in August, September and October. No fires or camping permitted.
Fishing and marroning are no longer permitted at Stirling Dam and the Harvey River upstream of Stirling Dam. This is in order to safeguard the quality of water being supplied to the people of Harvey, Mandurah, Rockingham and Perth.
Harvey Dam
The picturesque Harvey Dam & Amphitheatre is situated 3kms east of Harvey, off Quindanning Road. The eight gigalitre Harvey Weir was built in 1916 to supply irrigation and drinking water for Harvey. Harvey Dam was expanded in 2002 to meet the irrigation needs of the area and now has a capacity of 56.442 gigalitres with a catchment area of 126 square kilometres at full supply level it is 78m above sea level. The intake tower is 57m high (21m above top water level. The access bridge is 66m long and the spillway is 39m wide, 500m long. The dam is capable of discharging 2100 cubic metres per second. (maximum) During construction 132 blasts were carried out to excavate the spillway with 650,000 cubic metres of rock quarried on site. The maximum surface of the reservoir area is 553 hectares. The new Harvey Dam became part of the $275 million Stirling – Harvey Redevelopment Scheme. Admire the scenery from the 45m Dam wall.
Enjoy the world class recreational facilities including the Harvey Amphitheatre suitable for major concerts and events. Outstanding features include walkways, free electric BBQs, playground facilities, gazebos, picnic tables and toilets.
Book your event at the Harvey Visitor Centre, phone 08 9729 1122 or email: info@harveytourism.com
Hire Fees:
Water Activities
Canoes will be allowed but not power boats. Marroning, freshwater Fishing for trout and perch is permitted only at the rear of the Harvey Dam (in season with permit). Freshwater fishing licenses are available from your local Post Office. The season is closed between May 1 and August 21 each year.
Logue Brook Dam / Lake Brockman
Open for skiing. Updated 1/2/13.
Logue Brook Dam – Lake Brockman is situated on Logue Brook Dam Road off South West Highway, 5kms south of Yarloop set amidst the Jarrah forest of the Darling Range. With a water capacity of 24,500 megalitres, the pristine water of Lake Brockman is popular with water sports enthusiasts and nature lovers. Enjoy a swim, take out a canoe or go water-skiing. Try your luck for marron or trout (In season and with permit). Picnic sites are located in the Jarrah forest surrounding the dam and a scenic drive runs around the rim of the reservoir. Boats can be launched on the southern shore. Walk a section of the Bibbulmun Track, sign-posted as the Kangaroo Walk Trail Walking circuit (yellow markers), on the northern side of the dam.
This dam was closed for a short while on 1 May 2021 and was reopened on 1 December 2008.
Skiing and Swimming
A popular skiing/swimming dam, with crystal clear water for the family to enjoy. Water skiing is to be carried out in an anti-clockwise direction and is permitted between the hours of SUNRISE and SUNSET only. Water skiing is prohibited within 60m of the foreshore except within the designated water ski takeoff and landing areas. Taking off or landing of skiers is prohibited except within the two designated water ski take-off areas. A maximum 5 knot speed limit applies in all other areas as indicated on map. Personal Water Craft (PWC) is not permitted in any water ski areas unless they are being used to tow a skier.
Please note: Jet Ski’s are not permitted on Lake Brockman/Logue Brook Dam.
As of April 2008 – All skippers will require a Recreational Skipper’s Ticket to be in charge of a vessel with a motor of more than 4.5 kilowatts (6hp). Don’t forget the sun screen. Lake Brockman Tourist Park has refreshments and other treats for your convenience. There is also a caravan park and holiday camp at the dam if you wish you wish to stay for awhile.
Bush Camping available in designated areas around the dam. Please ensure you dispose of litter appropriately.
Fishing and Marroning
Great Fishing and marroning (in season with a license – available from the Harvey Post Office. The Harvey Dam is frequently restocked with trout.
Bike Riding
Get back to nature – Ride a section of the Munda Biddi Trail. Enjoy the beauty of the Jarrah and Marri forest. Listen to the cries of the red-tailed black cockatoos.